Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Starting Young
Isabel went to the doctor today for her 6 month check-up. The first nurse gave her one of those little cardboard books on counting. She LOVED it. She dropped it and so I put it in her car seat and she started screaming at me. She's gonna love to read like her mama and her grama. She's been clawing at her ears lately to the point that she makes them bleed, so the doctor checked them. He was holding her head down, I was holding her arms out of the way and he was trying to see inside her ears. This girl was screaming at the top of her lungs and she was the color of a marichino cherry. The doctor says, "She's got some pretty strong opinions!" Haha, she sure does! Like mother like daughter. And then she seriously glared at him for the rest of the appointment until he left the room. When the nurse came to give her the vaccinations? Oh.My.Goodness. It's always the same poor nurse and every time, she sticks the needles in, slaps on the band-aids, and takes off. Oh, but she never forgets to say "Have a nice day!"..........Oh, you too, lady. So, here's some adorable pictures of my extremely opinionated daughter.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Pressure Cooker
Sooo I started this blog as an outlet, and it's not doing a very good job. Partly because I don't like to offend people, and a lot of stuff that goes on in my head, could be extremely some people. I had all planned out what I was going to type and now the Kardashians are on The Talk and so I'm kind of distracted and I think uhhhhh........................................Okay TV is off for the time being. That was probably the hardest 3 sentences I've ever written. So, anyway, back to me being offensive. Back when I was all innocent I would feel very uncomfortable around foul language or when people were talking about some subjects. Now that I'm pretty much corrupted I'm not really bothered by anything, with the exception of bullies and racism. But now I'm all 'grown up' and if some of that is going on, I'll be the first to speak up and tell the ignorance to shut it's face. If I can make the effort to change the words I use and the topics I speak about when I'm around people that would be offended, other people can to. Come on people.
Here's the problem; when I choose to edit myself for the sake of other people's feelings, all of that other stuff builds up and I need to let it out somewhere that I won't be worried about bothering someone.
Example A: You know those pressure cookers that people use to can vegetables, or whatever it is they want to can? Okay, if you leave one of those unattended and the pressure gets to high, all those glass bottles full of green beans are just gonna blow up and make a huge mess all over everything.
Example B: Writing Example A added to the pressure when I had to go back and edit it.
Also, for some reason, I don't mind if strangers know all my business, but sometimes I find it a little irritating and awkward when my family knows everything. And it's not like this is a new development. I pretended like I wasn't boy crazy all through middle school in front of my family so that I wouldn't have to talk to them about it.
So from now on this is going to be a family friendly blog :) so that family and friends can see what's going on with my adorable baby and everything. And I will start my inappropriate offensive blog elsewhere. It will probably be somewhat anonymous. But I do love showing off pictures, so I don't know we'll see what happens.
Thanks for reading, yo, and if you find yourself slightly inappropriate and you want to read my other blog when I start it let me know and I'll give you the sight. Just know that it will be full of trash.
Here's the problem; when I choose to edit myself for the sake of other people's feelings, all of that other stuff builds up and I need to let it out somewhere that I won't be worried about bothering someone.
Example A: You know those pressure cookers that people use to can vegetables, or whatever it is they want to can? Okay, if you leave one of those unattended and the pressure gets to high, all those glass bottles full of green beans are just gonna blow up and make a huge mess all over everything.
Example B: Writing Example A added to the pressure when I had to go back and edit it.
Also, for some reason, I don't mind if strangers know all my business, but sometimes I find it a little irritating and awkward when my family knows everything. And it's not like this is a new development. I pretended like I wasn't boy crazy all through middle school in front of my family so that I wouldn't have to talk to them about it.
So from now on this is going to be a family friendly blog :) so that family and friends can see what's going on with my adorable baby and everything. And I will start my inappropriate offensive blog elsewhere. It will probably be somewhat anonymous. But I do love showing off pictures, so I don't know we'll see what happens.
Thanks for reading, yo, and if you find yourself slightly inappropriate and you want to read my other blog when I start it let me know and I'll give you the sight. Just know that it will be full of trash.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
You Don't Wanna Miss This...
I just realized I haven't posted all of my wedding awesomeness. Well, I definitely wouldn't want you to miss this part, because, well, you'll see.
First I need you to imagine 'She Wolf' by Shakira in your head, because that's the song that our awesome DJ was playing (for the record, I HATE that song and my husband loves it. If you've seen the video you probably understand why.)
He had just done the whole garter thing, which was just as normal as at any other wedding reception, but then he started dancing. . . . . . . . .
And then he took of his vest.....normally, I would be all over this, but I was a little concerned because there was a lot of really churchie white people around still, and I don't like to offend people, but there wasn't much I could do.

And the dancing included a shimmy and some serious hip movement.....
Aaaand then he threw the dress shirt on my head, which I threw behind me (see photo) and then he stripped off his undershirt. I can't tell you how glad I am he kept the pants on, just for the sake of some of the guests.

I'm sure someone was offended, but our former Stake President was hanging out in the kitchen and he thought it was hilarious. Also, about 2 weeks after the wedding my dad's cousin called and told me that if she ever gets married again she's marrying a Hispanic because "They sure know how to throw a party!" Overall, I think his little strip dance was a success.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Okay people see the map at the bottom of the page??? That tracks you. Creepy right? It doesn't give me any personal information, it just tells me where you're at and what time you read it. I don't even get names or anything. So my point is, I KNOW YOU'RE READING MY BLOG! Would it kill you to comment once in a while? Haha okay, so you don't have to, but as one of my closest friends has said 'Josie lives to be complimented.' Here's the catch---you don't even have to compliment me! Just, you know, I like comments. I like to know what people think about my stuff, whether it's negative or positive. And if you have a blog, and I'm not already reading it, I would love to. I mean, you're blog creeping me, so I should be able to blog creep you right? Okay, so we're agreed. Since this post was kind of a waste of all your time I'll leave you some pictures to look at.
Aww :) P.S. If any of you want one of these adorable hats, you can buy one HERE. My cousin's wife and her sister make them, along with various other adorable things.
Just for the record, I was told to just wait in the van, so I wasn't supposed to be doing anything specific.
Oh hey I got my hair dyed. FOR FREE!
It bothers me when I'm the only one smiling in a picture. I feel like a lunatic.
Talk about chubby cheeks!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Name Change
Guess whose name is legally changed.....MINE IS! The social security office in Ogden only comes here the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month so the place gets packed. They start at 9:30 and I got there with Daisy just after 10. (She came along because some moron spelled her name different on her birth certificate than on her social when she was born. First AND middle name. Seriously, people?) Oh and I guess now I should call her Daysy since that's how it's spelled now. Anyways I was number 45 and she was 46. When they called number 41 I realized that I hadn't brought the CERTIFIED copy of our marriage license. Just the gold souvenir thing that we signed. Why do they give you a worthless piece of paper anyways??? Save the trees, yo. So I grabbed another number as I left(65), and ran across the parking lot to the court house to get another certified copy. FOR 9 BUCKS! Anyways when I got back they were on number 52 but they got to my number really fast and everything else went great.
So then I went to the DMV to get a new drivers licence. That went fine. The lady kind of glared at me when she asked for my current one and I told her I lost it, but other then that it was great and they took a new picture (thank goodness!) Oh, and for the record, I took my shoes off and measured myself on their measurer and I am 5 feet and 3 inches! Take that, Mom! Oh and I put that I weight 15 pounds less than I actually do, but seriously who doesn't lie about that? So now on my social I am Josie P Iraheta and on my license I'm Josie Iraheta. Which is pretty cool.
So then I went to the DMV to get a new drivers licence. That went fine. The lady kind of glared at me when she asked for my current one and I told her I lost it, but other then that it was great and they took a new picture (thank goodness!) Oh, and for the record, I took my shoes off and measured myself on their measurer and I am 5 feet and 3 inches! Take that, Mom! Oh and I put that I weight 15 pounds less than I actually do, but seriously who doesn't lie about that? So now on my social I am Josie P Iraheta and on my license I'm Josie Iraheta. Which is pretty cool.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wedding Post: Part 2
Wedding Post Part 2: The Ceremony
My 6 year old nephew Stockton pushed Isabel down the aisle in her tricked out stroller.
My 3 year old nephews Rafe and Mason were my ring bearers. 8 year old Phoenix was there to help them along. He looks like he's on an important mission, right?
Me and my papa ♥
Dumm Dumm-Duh-Dummmmm!
We had to pass the boys. They were a little confused. That's what I get for picking the 3 year olds.
Bishop Smith
Marlene on the far left, Jackie on the far right.
Haha :) It's an oreo!
Ahem. . . . .
Monday, October 25, 2010
5 Months ♥
My little Chabelita is 5 months old today!!! She is getting so big and she's taking on such a huge personality. She's started reaching for my mom and her Tio Oscar (Cangrejo's brother). (I can understand reaching for my mom. She's the shit. Oscar on the other hand??? He's a different kind of shit.) She's teething. I can see the tips of 2 front bottom teeth and 2 back top teeth, which is exciting! Except for her gums are really sore and every once in a while she'll bite to hard on one of her toys (or her hand(or my finger) and start screaming at the top of her lungs. She's learning to scoot :) Which is fun to watch until she gets frustrated and starts crying :( Then it makes me sad cause I don't like to watch her struggle.
Her first pumpkin she got from Grama! She was pretty into it I think.
Me and my mom were teaching her young.
Aww me and my nena (Yes, that's a skull with a bow on her onesie.)
See Isabel? See the plasma TV with the soccer game on it? Yupp. She already loves soccer.
Her favorite thing to do. Chew on her hand.
I had to throw in this pic of Cangrejo putting puzzles together with Mason. They're best friends.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wedding Post: Part 1
Okay people I have hundreds of pictures. I'm not posting all of them, but it's still going to take a few posts to get this all taken care of. Today's post: Before the ceremony.
Leavin' the house to get ready at my Grandma's
Oh baby!
If you've never worn one of should try it.
Helloooo Handsome!
My dad doing his thing. He cooked all the meat for the luncheon.
Aunt Linda putting the cake stands together
Getting strapped into my dress
The bathroom was teeny tiny!
Tori :) Known her since 4th grade. Been friends since 9th. Love her.
Sister-in-law Tami and bestie Daisy getting Isabel dressed.
Heating up the food
Mom pinning on Cangri's corsage.
Isabel and her Aunt Tami :)
Me and my oldest nephew Chay.
With my papa.....(Yes those are tears haha)
With my parents. Yes, my dad's pocket square is hunter orange. It was opening day of the Idaho elk hunt or something like that. Being the awesome daughter that I am, I let him wear it.
Chay held my train for AT LEAST an hour and a half. Seriously. I owe him like 4 king sized Hershey bars.
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