Sooo I don't really know what to blog about. . . . . I'm sure there's things going on, I'm just completely drawing a blank right now. I guess I'll post some pictures.
It's September. That means it's hunting season and my dad and my little brother are gone a lot. Sooo Cangrejo feeds the horses for them. This was one Sunday morning. I had woken up in the middle of the night with a fever so I slept in and when I woke up Cangrejo and Isabel were missing. I went outside to find Cangrejo taking care of the dogs and horses and Isabel was lying on her a wheelbarrow hahaha.
I was making silly noises and faces at her when she made this face. The sad thing is that I make this face at people when I think they're being stupid, or ridiculous, or annoying. Like mother like daughter I guess lol.
I LOVE this outfit! I saw it at the store and it was only 9 bucks! So I showed it to Cangrejo and he hated it, but I talked him into buying it anyways :)
I caved and bought her a Bumbo. This thing was $40. However, I'm thinking it's going to be worth it. She likes to sit up by herself but if I prop her up in a chair or on the couch she tends to tip over, and whenever we sit down to eat and leave her in her swing she gets really upset. This way I can just put her on the table with us and she likes to sit and watch us eat and of course chew on her hands.
I had a denim jumper when I was little, and I grew to hate it. I swore I would never make anyone wear a denim jumper much less my own daughter. Well. . . . .
How freakin beautiful is this?! People always talk about how seeing their baby or child smile or laugh is like heartwarming or whatever and it makes them tear up. I used to think okay that's reeeaalllly cheesy. Now? I have turned into one of those people.
Look! See this?! That's right! My baby is HOLDING A TOY! She HOLDS THINGS! Okay not for very long and usually she just takes it straight to her mouth and gums stuff to death. But still.

So FINALLY I'm working at this 'Mexican' restaurant and Cangrejo has more work than he did a month ago so for the first time in more than a month we got to have a MUCH NEEDED night out together :) My mom watched Isabel and we went to see Machete. It was freakin AWESOME! There were a couple parts that were a little gross. . . . .well really gross, because there was blood and. . . . .intestines. . . . .but other than that it was AWESOME! I guess if I was a movie critic, it might be a disservice to society to encourage people to expose themselves to such cinema, because as far as great movies go, this one probably isn't going down in history, to say the least, but that's why I'm not a critic. I loved this movie. If I described it, it would probably only appeal to like, 14-year-old boys and other people that like guts and a naked Lindsay Lohan, was awesome. Also, if you're kind of 'stick it to the man' when it comes to immigration laws and you like to fight for the underdog, the end of this movie is kind of like what all of us would secretly like to do, but we won't, because there's no way we would ever win that war lol.
Okay I got off track. The point is we had enough money to go to the movies AND Cangrejo bought me these awesome orange flowers after :)
The reason why I said 'Mexican' restaurant with the quotes, is because it's Mexican food I guess, but not reall authentic. It's very Americanized. I worked there about a year and a half ago for 8 months and then quit to focus on graduation. . . . . actually I quit because I was an idiot, but that's a whole other story. Anyways they hired me back, lucky for me. It's not a bad job, and I LOVE all the people that I work with. They partly hired me because I know how to do some stuff that they have going on during the college football and basketball season, so I'm going to stick around until the end of all that, but I've REALLY got to find something with insurance.
Friday we picked up our wedding invitations. They're really cool, and I think they reflect us well...I'll try to take a picture of one and put it up, cause I"m ghetto like that and don't have a scanner. Yesterday we HAND DELIVERED a bunch of them. We still have a few to go. The only ones that are getting mailed are the ones to my uncle's family in Idaho, 2 friends of my dad's, one in Idaho, one in Texas, and we're sending 4 to Cangri's aunt in California and she's going to take them to his other relatives. It feels so much more official now! Before it was gonna be like me, him, the baby, and our closest family at the wedding. Now people have INVITATIONS. Like a lot of people. I dunno it just makes it seem more official. Anyways. That's all for now I guess sooo. Laterz.