I just realized I haven't posted all of my wedding awesomeness. Well, I definitely wouldn't want you to miss this part, because, well, you'll see.
First I need you to imagine 'She Wolf' by Shakira in your head, because that's the song that our awesome DJ was playing (for the record, I HATE that song and my husband loves it. If you've seen the video you probably understand why.)
He had just done the whole garter thing, which was just as normal as at any other wedding reception, but then he started dancing. . . . . . . . .
And then he took of his vest.....normally, I would be all over this, but I was a little concerned because there was a lot of really churchie white people around still, and I don't like to offend people, but there wasn't much I could do.

And the dancing continued.....it included a shimmy and some serious hip movement.....
Aaaand then he threw the dress shirt on my head, which I threw behind me (see photo) and then he stripped off his undershirt. I can't tell you how glad I am he kept the pants on, just for the sake of some of the guests.

I'm sure someone was offended, but our former Stake President was hanging out in the kitchen and he thought it was hilarious. Also, about 2 weeks after the wedding my dad's cousin called and told me that if she ever gets married again she's marrying a Hispanic because "They sure know how to throw a party!" Overall, I think his little strip dance was a success.