Oh my goodness. My first blog. I'm ecstatic.
I have no idea what my blog will be about for sure or if it will EVER have a set topic. More likely than not it will just be me rambling on about whatever I feel like rambling about. And I'm a really good rambler. So I guess for my first entry I'll ramble about myself, since I am one of my very favorite subjects even in everyday conversation.
First the basics; I'm 18 years old if you go by when I was born. However, since I was about 5 my parents have told people that I'm turning 35 on my next birthday. That could be argued considering some of the things I've done over the last few years, but I still like to think I'm a lot smarter than most girls my age and in my particular situation. I am 5 feet and 3 inches tall. The doctor told me so. My mom will tell you I'm 5'2" but, well, she's lying. I have green eyes, which I'm pretty proud of.
On May 28, 2009 I graduated from Cache High School. One day I'll probably write an amazing entry about that school. It's pretty much one of my favorite places on the planet. I was sent there after Sky View High School decided they didn't want me and I didn't want them either. I'll probably say more about them one day as well, and most of it probably won't be very good.
My parents are really cool, most days. I guess I'm a lot like my dad. I'm still deciding if this is a good or bad thing. I suppose I have some of my moms qualities too, they just hide behind my dad's...I mean, MY rough exterior.
I have 2 older half brothers and 1 younger full brother. They're pretty cool most days. My oldest brother is married with 3 sons and another on the way and my second oldest brother is married with 2 sons. If you haven't noticed there is a lack of female spawn in my family. But never fear, for I, Josie, have taken care of that little dilema. As of tomorrow I will be 26 weeks pregnant...with a girl!!! I really am ecstatic about that. My due date is May 21 and her name will be Isabel Riley Montufar. (Isabel because, it's a beautiful name)(Riley because my little brother thinks I hate him, so what better way to say 'I love you' than to name my baby after him) And I'm giving her her father's last name, which will, as of August, be my last name as well. Say what you want about people not being able to find the love of there life at 18, but I did. So there.
Actually, it was 4 days after I turned 18 that I found him. It took me about 3 hours to be able to say his name right (Isai. ee-sa-ee. Accent on the last syllable. Not hard.) He took me dancing. Hmmm...this could turn into a long story. Maybe that'll be a good entry for tomorrow. So until then, adios. I'm gonna go finish watching The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson. (Love that guy. He's so much funnier than Letterman.)
Hello nice to meet you, I just found your blog through a a comment you left on one that I read. Just some info I wish Id had when I had my first baby in the states while my husband was in Mexico.Just in case here are the facts. Women here do not take any part of their husbands name and their children take the last names of the fathers on both parents side. For example my fathers last name is Seyer and my husbands fathers first last name was Hernandez. So our youngest who was born here is named Hernandez-Seyer but my oldest who was born in the states is Hernandez-Franco which is my husbands full last name and my legal name in the states. This totally confuses everyone here and is going to be so anyoing for my daughter, and us.Hope I didn't confuse you but its something I wish Id know when me and my husband got married and when we had our first baby. You may want to legally give her both names and just normally use his just so when your here weather it be visiting or living its not confusing.