Monday, March 29, 2010

Like, shoes.

Welllll, I guess I'll give you what I promised yesterday.  I'm going to show you Isai's ugly shoes.  Just a warning, if you have any small children or perhaps an elderly person with a heart condition anywhere near you, send them to another room, because these shoes just might cause damage to them.  Also, if you have a weak stomach you should probably just skip over this one.  In case you decide to keep going, just keep in mind that you've been warned. 

There you have it.  Do you feel nauseated???  Violated maybe???  Or perhaps you just understand how much I actually love this man because I stayed with him despite his lack of taste for footwear.  In his defense though, he stayed with me even though he hated my chuck all-stars.  I have 2 pairs.  Some low cut black and white ones and some green high tops.  Plus I have two chuck immitations.  One pair of low cut red ones and one pair of double layered black/blue plaid ones.  I guess I should have taken pictures of them to.  Oh well.  I did take pictures of Isabel's shoes!!!
Adorable right??!! 
And this is the dress that I got for her to wear when we go to the beach!!! 
I've only been to the ocean once.  It was Rockaway Beach, Oregon, and it was April so it was pretty darn cold.  It was gorgeous, but it was to cold to go in the water so we just walked around on some cool rocks and picked some mussels off of them so we could go back to where we were staying and cook them.  For those of you who haven't had mussel, just soak a deflated balloon in garlic and chew on it.  That's pretty much all you're missing.
Anyways, Isai wants to take me to Acapulco, but from some of the things I've been hearing lately, I'm thinking I won't feel bad if he takes me somewhere else.  

Well, that's all for today, but come back tomorrow cause Mom's being crafty again. 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Little Shitsicle

So all day today I was planning what to write about, and I had something all ready, but now I can't remember what exactly that something was.  I was going to write about Isai's ugly shoes that are hiding from my parents in my room, but I decided not to because I had something else so I didn't take a picture of the ugly shoes.  Sooooo I'll probably show you the ugly shoes tomorrow.  For today, I'll tell you about this little shitsicle.
So CHeCK THiS ouT!!!
This little hunk right here, is Julian Miguel.  He's my friend Melo's little boy.  We were making double chocolate cupcakes and he didn't like the finished product, but he LOVED the cake batter.  All day long he had been soooo grumpy, and then we gave him the cake batter and it was like "YOU GUYS HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS GOOD TO ME!!!"  So then he was really really good until we took him to Walmart.  He has little croc shoes with Diego on them.  He loves them very much.  For some reason, though, he got really mad at me and threw them at me.  So I took them and put them in his mom's purse and he didn't get to wear his shoes!  I'm practicing my diciplinary skills for when Isabel is in her terrible two's. 

Last night Melo was putting a movie on for him on my brother's playstation.  Well, his games were all over the floor so Julian came upstairs screaming "Why-wee!!!  Why-wee!!!" (Riley) and then he led him downstairs and made him clean up his games.  It was pretty funny.

Also, thanks to Julian, I've decided no more babysitting for me while I'm pregnant.  See those cheetos he's holding???  He and I finished off almost an entire bag, by ourselves, in about 4 hours.  I'm at the point where I'm supposed to be gaining a pound a week, and in the last week I've gained 3ish.  This cannot happen.  Because when I go to Mexico, we will be going to the beach, and I'm going to wear a swimsuit, and I'M GOING TO LOOK GOOD IN IT DAMN IT!!!  Plus you know, I haven't seen Isai in person since September (except for his two court dates) and I don't want him to be like "Damn, she let herself go."  I'm sure he wouldn't think that.  I was chubby before I got pregnant.  I actually lost 20 pounds in the first 3 months because my morning sickness was so bad.  Whenever I complained about being fat he said he liked me like that and he doesn't like it when girls are to skinny.  BUT those 3 months are the only 3 months in my entire life that I have been NOT above average weight for girls my age/heigth/whatever and I couldn't enjoy it because I was sooo sick and my boyfriend was in jail, SO! if I wanna be not chubby for a while, he's gonna have to live with it.  Don't worry, I'm not going to starve myself, that would be stupid!  Believe me, I'm going to eat good for Isabel and I'm going to keep myself healthy.  This just means that all those double chocolate cupcakes that I made today are going to be given to other people.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bittersweet Randomness

Before I get started let me just say that I'm freaking sick of college basketball.  I'm calling it march sadness because it pushes most programming back an hour and it cancels some of it so today I didn't get to watch Oprah or Dr. Phil and the 10:00 news is barely starting and right now it's 10:45.  What does this mean???  You guessed it.  Craig Ferguson is pushed back 45 minutes and I'm not really sure I'm gonna be able to stay awake that long.  I need my dose of late night telivision, but Miley Cyrus is on Jay Leno and I HATE HER!!! and I'm just not in the mood for David Letterman. 

So I guess you could say that today was bittersweet.  Here are the events in random order:

1. Meet Marlene.  She is one of my favorite people in the entire world and I've pretty much adopted her to be the little sister I never had.  In this picture we were um...supposed to be at school.  But instead we drove up the canyon and hung out at this cave.  When I got kicked out of Sky View the vice principal told me that I was a bad example to her because she was a junior and I was a senior and he noticed that our attendance records matched almost perfectly.  In my defense, I never held a gun to her head and said "SKIP CLASS WITH ME OR DIE!!!" half the time it was her idea.  However, I did tell her that if she screwed up her senior year the way that I did, I would beat the crap out of her.  Anyways, today she informed me that she got accepted to Dixie State and I'm just freakin ridiculously proud of her.  I can't even put in words how happy I am for her.  So there's that.

2. There's this guy that's Marlene's age and I've known him for a few years, but we weren't ever really good friends.  Mostly just acquaintances, but he was always a really nice kid.  Well today, Marlene informed me that both of his kidneys are failing.  He does dialysis 3 times a week and is in desperate need for a kidney transplant.  The problem is, the doctors don't want to put him on the donor waiting list because he doesn't have all of his papers.  This really ticked me off.  I looked up a bunch of things on the internet today and I couldn't find anything under the qualifications for being put on the donor list about a person's citizenship or social status or anything like that.  All of the requirements had to do with the patient's health.  So, whether or not they can legally keep him off the list, they are doctors and ethics are supposed to be a pretty big deal to them.  I just finished the part of my medical class about medical law and ethics and physicians have an ethical responsibility to do what they can to make someone healthy again, so what's wrong with this picture???  If there is some law or medical regulation saying that a 17 year old boy going through double kidney failure can't have a much needed organ transplant just because of his citizenship status, the little faith that I have remaining in some of the people of this country is going to be seriously damaged once again.

3. On a happier note, Marlene's little sister Liseth (who just happens to think I'm the coolest thing since sliced bread) is having her first communion in June.  I'm not really sure of exactly what that means, because I'm not Catholic and I've never asked, but I guess it's a pretty big deal.  Today she invited me to her party.  She was SO excited about.  I guess they're hiring a clown and everything.

4. This news is kind of happy and sad.  I have this really good friend Sami.  He's the only white guy I've ever dated haha.  It was 9th grade, he was my first boyfriend, and it lasted a week.  Somehow, we've managed to stay really good friends for this long and he's turned into more of a brother to me.  He was always this really short, scrawny kid and then senior year he grew to like 6'2" or something like that and he enlisted in the Marines so now he's like this big tough guy.  We took this picture when he was home on leave back in November.  He was bent in half at the waist to get down to my level.  Right now he's currently in Oklahoma and he'll be coming home on leave again in a few days.  After that he's going to be stationed in Hawaii.  FOR 3 YEARS!!!  Yeah, long time to be without my Sami-Boy, but I'm proud of him :)  

Alright, one last thing.  I've decided a short person needs to start a clothing line that just makes all different kinds of pants, and this is why.  Yesterday I bought two pairs of scrubs for my class.  I bought them in the size Medium Petite.  Petite, meaning that they're supposed to be shorter that just normal ones.  I put them on when I got home and they were too long.  I rolled the tops of them twice AND THEY'RE STILL TOO LONG!!!  Lucky for me I have an amazing mother that will hem them for me, but I'm not getting any taller and I don't think it should be necessary for me to take my pants to my mother's house for the rest of my life just so the bottoms of them don't end up looking like rags. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Creative Genius

Okay people, today's post has potential to be huge, so bear (bare?) with me.

First of all, today was hopefully a very significant day for immigration.  As some of you know there was a march in Washington, D.C. for immigration reform.  It was basically to try to get immigration issues made a higher priority.  If you wanna know more about it, here's the link:
I just saw on the news that there was also a march at the capital in Salt Lake City.  Damn, if I would have known, I would have been there today.

Next on the list, I am a creative genius, and I have created a masterpiece.  Anyways, I'm pretty proud of it.  I bought this little thing at a thrift store for $10.  I bought the baskets at IKEA for $2.99 and $4.99 or something like that.  Cost of ribbon, paints, and brushed was probably about $6.  So I guess all together this cost me about $24 to make, plus I spent maybe 6 or 7 hours doing all the painting.
Adorable right?
My plan is to ravage thrift and antique stores and find as much cheap furniture as I can.  Then I'm gonna paint 'em up and sell 'em!  This one was my test run.  When I started, I intended on selling it, but I got a little selfish when it started turning out so cute, and I just had to keep it for Isabel.  I'll probably keep shoes in the top and use the bottom one for her dirty laundry or something.
If I was going to sell this one, I probably wouldn't have put the baskets in it, and I'll tell you why.  Without the baskets, production probably only would have cost $12-$13.  I think I probably would have been able to sell it for between $18-$28 appx.  Anyways, if I saw it somewhere, that's probably about what I would have been willing to pay.  That means when it comes to profit I would make about $5-$15 on it.  If you know anything about price mark ups and all that jazz, you know that $5 really isn't that great.  $15 would be awesome, because that would mean that I just over doubled my money. 
If I sold it with the baskets, which means production would have cost $24, the selling price would be a lot higher if I wanted to double my money.  In order to double my money I would have to sell it for at least $48.  I'm not sure anyone would pay that much for it.  Anyways, I know that I wouldn't.  The most I would pay with the baskets is probably $30 and that would only be a $6 profit.  (Not to mention, that IKEA is about a 2 hour drive from my house, so I can't just run down there every time I do something to grab some baskets or whatever.  If I considered the cost of the trip to IKEA, the production cost would be higher.)

What do you guys think?  I want some input for my future projects.  I'd probably sell them off of or another sight like that and also at things like Summerfest, the county fair, and craft fairs.  Personally, I think stuff at things like that are overpriced, but I'm kind of a cheap ass, and I know a lot of people like to buy stuff there.  So help me out people!!! What would you be willing to pay?

P.S. Good news for you guys, this post wasn't as long as I expected because I've gotten lazy and I don't wanna finish everything I had to say today :) 

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Alright, I think I'm going to spare you the deep stuff that I mentioned yesterday because I have other things to talk about. 

Today I had a great conversation with Isa.  I felt so grown up haha.  It's crazy, it's like one of those conversations where, if we were in the same country, we would sit down together, and go over everything, and, I dunno, it just felt good to talk like that.  Sometimes I sugar coat things so that he doesn't worry or get mad, and I'm pretty sure he does the same thing for me, but this time it was like he was helpless and he really needed, and wanted, my input.  Because let's be honest, I give my input all the time to him, and everyone else, and it's not always needed or welcomed. 

So the other day, I agreed to go to Mexico before the baby is born because we are both so pathetic.  Seriously, every couple of days I have these stupid break downs and I get really frustrated, and cry, and I feel like the only thing that will make me feel better is to have him with me.  Apparently, from a conversation that I had with his sister, he's the same way.  So, he was going to work extra hours (on top of his 13 a day already), so that he could send me the money for a bus ticket to Juarez when the Traveller's Alert was over and he was going to pick me up there, and I would have the baby in Mexico.  Yeah.  I agreed to this.

He told his family and friends all about it.  Today he told me that they all told him that he's crazy and he's a selfish ass hole.  They said that one day his daughter would be really mad at him for making me go to Mexico to have her because it would make her life so much more complicated.  

Today I told my mom the plan and she said that I'm crazy for  putting myself and the baby at risk like that by going to Juarez.

So after Isa told me all of that I asked him what he though.  He told me that he didn't know and that maybe everyone was right and he wanted to know what I thought.  I told him that as bad as I wanted to go, maybe we were just thinking about ourselves and we needed to think about Isabel.  (I had already thought about this, but this was the first time I had the guts to tell him.)  So I told him I would look into things and see how much it would cost and how much it would take to get papers for Isabel if she was born in Mexico.  But, I'm pretty sure I'll be staying here until after she's born.  Which makes me feel a whole lot better, and I'm sure he'll be fine with it to because he wants what's best for all of us.♥

Anyways, when we were done talking his friends were there to meet up with him to go play volleyball.  I decided to have some fun :).  I told him to blow me a kiss because I knew he wouldn't want to because his friends were there.  He argued.  He said, well you blow me a kiss!  So I did and his friends were like Oooohh!  And he said "Ay, quiere que venga ya." (I want her to come already) Then he said, "Okay, bye Guera, I love you."
I was like, "Blow me a kiss Isa.  I know you don't want to because you're embarassed cause your friends are there."  
So I finally got him to and his friends, like, freaked out.  It was pretty damn funny.  I was happy :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Redneck Pest Control

First of all let me say: I LOVE ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!
I don't really know why.  Green is my favorite color.  But I don't think that's the entire reason.

I didn't do anything that special.  I went to class.  Then I went with some friends to the park and we had Little Caesar's pizza and then we tried to build a fire in the little barbecue box thing that they have at the parks.  You know what I'm talking about?  I took a video with my ipod, but I don't know how to get it from my ipod to my computer.  I know, sad day.  It was pretty good though.  We gathered sticks that were laying all over the grass.  They didn't burn.  I think it's because they were still wet from being under the snow for 6 months.  So, we burned the pizza boxes and the napkins so that we could make s'mores.  FAIL.  It was not good.  It took me like 10 minutes to get one side of my marshmallow golden brown like I like it.  All of my friends were just lighting theirs on fire and then blowing them out.  But I don't do burned marshmallows.  I am the marshmallow roasting queen, thank you very much. 

When I was little we went camping a lot with my dad's friends.  They all remember when I was like 9 or 10, I roasted 16 perfectly golden marshmallows and I ate every single one of them.  In.One.Night. About 8 of them were in the form of s'mores.  I didn't even get sick.  Please, please, no applause.

So, every spring when the snow starts to melt off of our yard, we get this problem with mice in our window wells.  And sometimes muskrats too, which, I think, are the most disgusting things EVER!  Why?  Because they're deceptive.  When you look at their bodies and their faces they're really, really cute and you kind of want to hug them.  But then, you see their nasty ass rat-like tails.  Rat tails are disgusting!  And when you stick an 8 inch tail like that on a cute, little, fuzzy thing, it totally takes away from their cuteness and you just wanna like, throw up in a blender, mix it up, and then drink it again, and then run over something else gross with a lawn mower or something.  That's how disgusted I am with muskrats.

Anyways, in the last couple of days my brother has killed sooo many mice and 1 muskrat.  (Please, if you're all about animal cruelty, don't start with me.  They're rodents, and they're disgusting, okay?)  So at 1:30 this morning it was really, really noisy in my room because there was some stupid ass rodent running around in my window well and moving the gravel around and scratching at the glass and going *squeak squeak squeak*.  I couldn't sleep and I had had enough.  So I woke up my poor little brother and asked him to please do something about it.

Usually, when it's just a mouse it doesn't make that much noise, and I can sleep just fine, but it was making tons of noise, and I'm a little bit irrational, and I just kept thinking that, somehow, my window was gonna break and that fucker was gonna get in my room and then I would panic and start running, and then I would trip over something, and in the process of hurting myself, I would do some sort of awful brain damage to my baby.  Yeah, all this stuff goes through my head.  It's like, worst case scenario, all the time.  

Anyways, by the time my brother got outside with his BB gun my parents were awake and the three of us were standing in the kitchen watching my brother out the window.  You know on Animal Planet or the Discovery Channel they'll show a leapord 'stalking' it's prey?  It like sneaks up and then it just POUNCES!!!  This is kind of what was happening in my back yard.  Picture this.  A 17 year old boy with a BB gun in basketball shorts, a winter coat, and cowboy boots, sneaking up on a window well.  In the house, there's a man and woman in their underwear, and a pregnant chick that looks like warmed over death staring out a window watching the boy.  Then he notices we're watching so things get a little bit more dramatic for our amusement.  

Eventually, he killed the damn mouse.  My brother is the best shot I know.  He's shot hundreds of mice in our window wells over the past few years, and he hasn't broken a single window.  Kudos for Riley.  But then we all went back to bed, and I was happy.  And when I'm happy, everyone's happy.  So that's my story, and now I'm going to bed because The Late, Late Show is another re-run.  Sad day.  Buenas noches.

P.S.  There's some deep stuff coming up tomorrow.  Not really, but, I think it kind of is.  So if you care.  Come back tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Ghetto Car

Bad News: The Late, Late Show tonight is a re-run.  Damn it.

Sooo, I have this thing, where I like to draw as much attention to myself as possible.  I have this other thing, where when I get attention, my face and my arms turn like a billion different shades of red.  Then there's this one other thing where I love, love, love music and my favorite music to listen to just happens to be in Spanish.  Sooo, when I first started going out with Isai, I noticed that he had two twelve inch subs and an 800 watt amp in his car.....I liked them.  I just happened to mention once how much I liked them, and he was like, Oh, well I'm selling them, but you can have them in your car until I find someone to sell them to.  OKAY!!!  

So Isai and one of our friends were going to install them for me.  The stereo that I had in my car didn't have a hook up for an amplifier, so they took out my stereo and put the stereo from Isai's car into mine and hooked everything up.  Now, I'm not sure what happened, but after everything got hooked up, the lights on the ceiling of my car didn't work.  You know, the ones that turn on when you open the door.  It was kind of irritating, but I could live with it.

Isa decided he wanted to fix it because he borrowed my car one night and needed to use the lights, but they didn't work.  So when he fixed it, instead of taking out the stereo and looking at what happened back there that made the lights turn out in the first place, he took out the lights.  In the process of taking out the lights, he broke the stuff that holds them in the ceiling so he couldn't put them back in.

A couple weeks ago I finally had a friend look at it and somehow he made the lights work and he got them to stay in the ceiling.  Well the other day I went out to my car and the lights were just dangling from the ceiling.  I laughed pretty hard cause it was slightly ridiculous looking.  My ass was to lazy to go back in the house so I called my mom and told her to bring me some duct tape and scissors, and I taped that shit back up.  

Currently, it's March in northern Utah.  That means the sun heats up my car and it gets up to a whopping 53 degrees during the day, but at night it still drops below freezing sometimes.  
When it's cold the duct tape holds up pretty well.  But I guess when it warms up the sticky stuff melts or something and the lights fall out of my ceiling again and there's just stuff hanging out.  It looks really, really ghetto.  So I took some pictures so you can understand just how ridiculous this is. 

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shit. On. Toast.

Description of yesterday: Shit On Toast. 

Yeah, it was a really bad day.  It started out half decent I guess.  I went with Melo to get her nails done and then she took me to El Toro Viejo for some amazing chicken fajitas.  Then she went home to do her hair and make-up and pick up her son and then she was going to come to my house. 
Meanwhile, my other friend came to visit because he hasn't seen Melo since she got home from Georgia.  I have to admit, I like attention and I have the tendency of getting kind of jealous.  So, when Melo took forever to get here, George decided to hang out with my little brother.  Why?  Because I wanted to go for a walk and talk to him about stuff, but my little brother was going to check all of our window wells for mice and shoot them.  Obviously, he chose the funner one of the two options.  Whatever. 
I was getting kind of impatient so I texted Melo to see if she was coming or if she was going to ditch me for her not-boyfriend and her other friend, because that's all she's done ever since she got home from Georgia.  She said she was almost ready.  Half an hour later she called.  She was almost at my house and her son threw up all over the car so she was going back home to clean up.  This is understandable, I didn't mind this at all lol.
However, I did mind when she came to my house 45 minutes later and Julian threw up peanut M&Ms all over the carpet in my room and then left without cleaning it up.  Yeah.  I was a little bit pissed.  
So then Isa called ♥.  This made me happy.  But I was already so stressed that I started crying and I'm sure it looked ridiculous because we were talking on webcam and I'm sitting there on the floor of my bedroom, balling my eyes out, and scrubbing shit looking throw up out of my carpet.  It was awful.  So I talked to him for a while and then he had to go so I told him I would go buy a phone card and call him later.
After dinner my dad brought up how he thinks it's a bad idea to go to Mexico when the baby is only 2 months old.  Maybe it is, maybe it's not.  But I've made up my mind.  There are babies in Mexico and they do live.  What's so hard to understand?
So I bought the card and called Isa.  I don't know what his deal was but he was not in a very good mood and we ended up fighting.  Great.  He accused me of only wanting to be with him because I'm having his baby.  Seriously?  SERIOUSLY???  If I was only with him for that, I would have given up a long time ago.  I wouldn't put all this work and stress into getting him back to the States.  I would find someone else to be with.  It wouldn't even be hard to find someone else, and he knows it.
Anyways, the card ran out of money and the call ended and I cried for 2 hours until I fell asleep.  
Today he called ♥.
I knew it.  He apologized for being a butt head and said he wanted to talk on webcam.  Okay.  The old me would have been like, screw you, I'm pissed.  But for some reason, I felt kinda bad cause I said some things that weren't so nice last night too.  So we talked and everything is better :).  He really wants me to go to Mexico to have the baby.  I really want to.  I don't have the heart to tell him I still don't have my passport.  Besides the fact that I'm terrified of going into labor and having a baby somewhere that I'm not familiar with and where I won't be able to understand everything the doctors are telling me, and his English isn't all that great so it's not like he could translate.  Not to mention, I have medication that I have to take every day and I wouldn't have a way of refilling the prescriptions every month.  And then there's the whole traveller's alert thing going on, that unfortunately, my dad heard about. 
I want to be in Mexico more than anything right now.  I just don't know how it would work out.
Ugh.  Okay.  I'm done venting.  Sorry.   

Friday, March 12, 2010

Babies and Gal Bladders

Today I saw Alice In Wonderland.  Again.  It's still good the second time!

Some more exciting news, approximately 9 WEEKS TIL BABY BEL ARRIVES!!! And only one month until MY birthday!  I didn't even remember about my birthday until yesterday I got a text from Isa reminding me :) he's such a sweetie.  I have to admit, whenever he sends me cute messages I save them in my phone and now there's so many that I'm sending them to my e-mail so that I can delete them off of my phone and make more space.  Oh, and also, 2 of my cousins are pregnant!  Jess and Lisa are expecting in September and Scott and Roxanne are expecting in October.  By the end of this year, my grandma will have 14 great-grandchildren.  Holy cow. 

I think I experienced my first Braxton-Hicks contractions today.  I didn't like it very much, but I gotta say, it didn't hurt as bad as when I had that gal bladder attack.  When I went to the emergency room in January for my gal bladder the doctor said that if I didn't pass out from the pain of that, that I should be fine during labor.  I don't know how he would know, because I'm pretty sure he's never shoved a kid out of any orofice on his body, and I'm going to assume he hasn't had a gal bladder attack.  But I hope he's right.  That gal bladder attack was a beast and a half.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Don't Marry You're Orthadontist

Okay, so I was really bored and decided to look around on Facebook at kids that went to my high school.  You need to understand, first of all, I used to hang out with the popular kids until about 9th grade.  Then I got sick of them.  Anyways, when I quit hanging out with them I ended up hanging out with kids that teachers hated, the nerds were kind of afraid of, and the popular kids wouldn't talk to.  But I liked them!!! 

*Disclaimer*-The following is kind of a generalization and I'm not saying that everyone turned out like this.

Anyways, I was looking around and I think half of the guys that were on the football team, still have their main profile picture as a picture of them playing football.  Not college football.  It's not like they've moved on or anything.  They're pictures that I'm pretty sure I saw in the local paper in the sports section, maybe even during junior or sophomore year.  Yeah, I guess that's pretty cool to be in the paper.  I would save stuff if I was ever in the paper.  But seriously???  MOVE ON PEOPLE!!!  These are gonna be the guys that end up working for all of the smart kids that they picked on and they're gonna be really fat and just sit around and dream about what a great NFL player they could have been if they would have been smart enough to get into college and then somehow be discovered by some NFL coach.  Another sad thing, is that they're not even gonna be fat from sitting around and drinking beer.  They're gonna be fat because they got some cute little mormon wifey that makes brownies every Sunday to go with her fried chicken and green jello salad.  Yeah.  Welcome to Utah. 

Another thing I noticed, was that, HOLY SHIT! a TON of girls that were my age are already married.  That's understandable, and I don't think there's anything wrong with getting married young, obviously, I mean look at where I am.  And Isa is about 4 years older than me, but some of these girls married guys that look like they're old enough to be their dads!!!  Seriously.  If you're only 18 or 19, don't marry a guy that looks like he's old enough to have been your orthadontist back when you were in 6th grade.  If you want money, marry a guy that's still in the process of becoming an orthadontist.  You'll have student loans up the ass, but they'll get payed off quick when he graduates. 

It kind of seems to be a trend where I live.  Small, but rapidly growing, predominately LDS community in Northern Utah.  It's like girls graduate from high school and immediately start looking for a returned missionary and if they can't find one that just got back, they go for the ones that have been back for YEARS and haven't gotten married cause there's something wrong with them. 
Maybe I'm just being judgemental, but this is just the way I see things.  Statistically, men die younger than women do anyways, so don't go marrying some guy that's gonna die before your kids graduate from high school.

*Disclaimer #2*-I don't have anything against LDS(mormon) people or those cute little mormon wifeys.  I am LDS, my family is LDS, and my cute little mormon wifey grama makes some kick ass fried chicken and brownies!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Sooo I'm pretty sure I've mentioned how absolutely amazing my mommy is.  Well she bought these cute little hats and headbands and then she bought the flowers and glued them on alligator clips so that I can mix and match them with Isabel's outfits.  My mom is so ridiculously crafty.  I'm sure there will be more of her awesome creations to come.♥

Good news!  It's Monday!  That means no more weekend so I can get back to watching Craig Ferguson!!!  Just sayin.

Just a little update from my weekend.  Melo and Julian came home from Georgia on Friday.  We went to La Tormenta for dinner and it was delicious :)  I hope tacos really are like that when I get to Mexico so I don't have to worry about starving to death. 

Then I went bowling with some other friends.  Our bowling names were Dayzeee, La Gringa, La Shawwwty, and Mexican.  In other words, Daisy, Josie, Kim, and Karla.  Then we went to see Alice In Wonderland.  Can I just say AMAZING.  The lady next to me had a really annoying laugh and I was really close to punching her in the face, but other than that, I was impressed. 

Karla, Tanya, Kim, and Daisy cheezin it on the end.

This would be me and Karla in our impressively attractive 3D glasses.

Also, Saturday morning I went with my parents and my little brother to Pocatello to have lunch with my Grama Perkins and my aunt, uncle, and cousins.  Grama gave me $100 to spend on baby stuff because I still needed a crib mattress and a changing pad to put on my dresser, because there is no more space for an entire changing station in my room.  Lucky for me, Melo had an extra crib mattress so she gave me one of hers and today I went and spent the money Grama gave me.  I got the changing pad and a soft, pink, removable, washable cover for it and NEWS FLASH: Sam's Club has really cute, good quality baby clothes for really cheap!  I got a really cute, fancy dress, 2 other dresses, 3 rompers, and 2 other pant/onesie outfits for get this: $54 dollars.  That's 8 outfits at an average of $6.75 a piece.  Holla!  I showed my dad everything I got.  He said for a girl that never liked to play with dolls I've caught on quick :) 

I talked to Isa for a while today :D  Edwin was with him.  Edwin and I were making faces back and forth at each other and I think we were embarassing Isai because when a person walked past he would kind of move in front of the computer screen and block their view haha.  But he loves us ♥ and I'm glad that Edwin already likes me so much.  He didn't stay to talk long because the computer he was using had something wrong with it so he could hear me, but I couldn't hear him and so he got frustrated, but he's going to send me a message when he gets out of work tomorrow and we're gonna talk again.

Oh, one last thing!  I took my medical terminology final today and I got a 90%!  Which means I'll be passing the class with a 91%.  I was kind of mad at myself, because I think I could've done better, but my teacher seemed really impressed.  I don't know if that's saying a lot, but there are some pretty.....special people in my class.  I'm starting the Medical Office Administration program on Wednesday and I can do it up until my baby is born and then take up to 6 weeks off and I'll be able to finish before I go to Mexico in July!     

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Orange Death.....I mean.....Glucose Test.

That's right.  Today I had a doctor's appointment and I had to do the damn test for gestational diabetes.  That orange drink they give you is awful!!!  I kept saying 'orange jello, orange jello' and then I would take another gulp.  "orange jello, orange jello, orange jello" *GULP*  But I got that damn thing finished in 5 minutes and I did not throw up.  I was pretty proud of myself.  When I finished the drink I had 50 minutes until my appointment so I was running erronds with my mom.  We exchanged some shoes at Shopko for my grama and then I had to pee.  But I wasn't allowed to!!!  30 minutes to go.  I had to wait until my appointment because I had to pee in a damn cup!  At the women's center they don't even have those sterile cups like at the lab.  There's a stack of plastic cups in the bathroom and a sharpee that you have to write your name on the cup with.  Lucky for me the lady today gave me a stick on label.  Anyways.  30 minutes to go and we went to Walmart.  Mom and Dad are going to Nashville in March so we were picking up some travel bags for mom's tooth brush and stuff like that.  Sooo we get everything we need and head to the check out line.  Someone 3 people ahead of us, in the process of checking out, is buying a vaccum.  Then they realize it's not the vaccum that they wanted.  So the cashier called someone from the service desk.  10 minutes until my appointment.  The person from the service desk showed up to take the vaccum and go look for the one they wanted.  8 minutes.  The lady decided to pay for the rest of her things and go to the back of the line to wait for the service dude.  7 minutes.  I'm dancing around trying not to pee my pants.  Mom gave me the keys and told me to go get the car and wait for her by the doors.  5 minutes.  I have the car waiting, Mom comes and gets in the car and we take off.  We pulled into the hospital woman's center parking lot with 1 minute to spare.  I went up the the desk and told the lady I finished the drink at 1:21 and I asked her if I could go to the bathroom.  "No, they're going to take a urine sample, but they'll call you really soon to draw your blood."  DAMN IT!!!  I sat in a chair with my legs crossed as far as they would go and the baby started kicking my bladder!!! But then the lady came out and called my name to get my blood drawn.  I hate needles.  She was really fast though, and she didn't miss my vein, but then she left the needle in my arm for longer than expected and my dumb ass turned and looked at it!  My mom said the color drained out of my face.  I believe her.  Finally she pulled it out and wrapped me up and the other nurse came and SENT ME TO THE BATHROOM!!!!!  Holy Mary, mother of Abraham Lincoln, FINALLY!!!  I still had to worry about getting some of it in the damn cup though and that isn't really one of my best skills.  But I did it!!!  And I finally got to relieve my bladder!!!  Anyways, the doctor says everything is great, my stomach measured at 28 centimeters, which is just right, I'm finally putting on a little bit of weight, which is awesome, finally and Baby Bel's heart beat was 140.  :)  I'm a happy mommy.  I texted Isa, and of course he didn't get it, but he texted me to call me goodnight a couple hours ago and when I texted back he actually got it!!!  We get to talk tomorrow :)  Oh, and my best friend Melo and her baby boy are coming home from Georgia tomorrow!  Yay!  Well.  Peace out for now.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What a hunk!!!

Talked to my Isa today :)  He's a babe.  Or at least I think so.  He was already kinda tough, but now he's working at a tortilleria and he has to carry bags of corn and flour and stuff around and he had on a wife beater tank top today.  His arms just looked so buff and wonderful haha.  He also got a hair cut.  His hair kind of stands on end all the time.  Straight up.  Straight.  Not like he got out of bed and it's messy, stand on end.  Each individual hair is just like it's trying it's hardest to get as far away from his head as it can!  I've tried to make his hair lay down with water and gel and hats and bandanas, just for the heck of it.  But nothing will make his hair lie flat on his head!  Not that it's a bad thing!  But it looks really nice when he gets it cut.  AND he got his ears pierced.  I don't know what it is about those little, square, fake diamonds, but I LOVE EM!!!  He wasn't a fan of my blonde hair.  Which was kind of upsetting.  But he's never seen me with blonde hair, and it's my natural color.  I think he just needs to get used to it.  His earring reminded me of this one time right after I met him.  Him and his friend went to a party and they came back and his lip was pierced.  Off center.  They had some girl at the party do it, so I'm just assuming she was drinking haha, and he must have been to because I don't know why else he would let some drunk stranger near his face with a needle.  I'm pretty sure the stud they used wasn't sterile because the next day it was red, and swollen, and there was all sorts of nasty juices leaking out of it.  He took it out.  Thank God.  He says he's going to get it pierced again.  I was like, Papi you are not the brightest crayon in the box.  When the baby is old enough she is gonna LOVE playing with that thing and it's gonna really hurt when she just yanks it out.  He says he doesn't mind, day.....he'll realize that once again, I was right.  And when I'm holding a tissue to his bleeding chin, I will remind him that I was right again.  And, of course, how much I love him. 

Monday, March 1, 2010

It's a Better Day

Phew!  I finally talked to Isai today.  I guess his phone had died on Saturday and I'm assuming my calls weren't going through Sunday or today because of the calling card that I got.  I usually get 80 Cell cards but the store where I always get them were out of those ones so I got one called La Aguantadora.  I called over and over again today and it kept saying the line was busy, but I knew that wasn't true because he kept texting me asking if I was ever gonna call and if I was mad at him, and obviously I was texting him back but my stupid phone wasn't sending the texts through.  So around 9 I borrowed my mom's car (cause mine is in getting a new windshield so that it will pass inspection because my plates expired today) and I drove all the way into Logan.  I bought an 80 Cell because the store got a new shipment of them and I called before I even left the parking lot and YES!  THE CALL WENT THROUGH!!!  It was so good to hear his voice :) I really needed it, and he was relieved to know that I wasn't mad at him (because my wrath can be pretty ferocious.)

Anyways.  So, Thursday night I was all sorts of excited cause I was gonna watch Craig Ferguson.  His show started and like 5 minutes into it, it switched programs!!!  Just like that!  All of a sudden I was watching Montel Williams make smoothies in that stupid blender of his!!!  I was really upset.  Friday I went out with Daisy and so I wasn't home to watch Craig Ferguson.  But today is a Monday :) and Craig Ferguson will be on, as usual.  And I'll watch it.  It's a good day.  I finally got to talk to Isa, I get to watch Craig Ferguson, and even though Jake on The Bachelor picked Vienna, I can still be happy :)  Because even though I lost all respect for him when he sent Tenley home, I know that one day, Vienna will screw him over just like she did to her ex-husband and her ex-fiance and he'll realize what a DUMB ASS he really is!!!