Sooo I'm pretty sure I've mentioned how absolutely amazing my mommy is. Well she bought these cute little hats and headbands and then she bought the flowers and glued them on alligator clips so that I can mix and match them with Isabel's outfits. My mom is so ridiculously crafty. I'm sure there will be more of her awesome creations to come.♥

Good news! It's Monday! That means no more weekend so I can get back to watching Craig Ferguson!!! Just sayin.
Just a little update from my weekend. Melo and Julian came home from Georgia on Friday. We went to La Tormenta for dinner and it was delicious :) I hope tacos really are like that when I get to Mexico so I don't have to worry about starving to death.
Then I went bowling with some other friends. Our bowling names were Dayzeee, La Gringa, La Shawwwty, and Mexican. In other words, Daisy, Josie, Kim, and Karla. Then we went to see Alice In Wonderland. Can I just say AMAZING. The lady next to me had a really annoying laugh and I was really close to punching her in the face, but other than that, I was impressed.
Karla, Tanya, Kim, and Daisy cheezin it on the end.
This would be me and Karla in our impressively attractive 3D glasses.
Also, Saturday morning I went with my parents and my little brother to Pocatello to have lunch with my Grama Perkins and my aunt, uncle, and cousins. Grama gave me $100 to spend on baby stuff because I still needed a crib mattress and a changing pad to put on my dresser, because there is no more space for an entire changing station in my room. Lucky for me, Melo had an extra crib mattress so she gave me one of hers and today I went and spent the money Grama gave me. I got the changing pad and a soft, pink, removable, washable cover for it and NEWS FLASH: Sam's Club has really cute, good quality baby clothes for really cheap! I got a really cute, fancy dress, 2 other dresses, 3 rompers, and 2 other pant/onesie outfits for get this: $54 dollars. That's 8 outfits at an average of $6.75 a piece. Holla! I showed my dad everything I got. He said for a girl that never liked to play with dolls I've caught on quick :)
I talked to Isa for a while today :D Edwin was with him. Edwin and I were making faces back and forth at each other and I think we were embarassing Isai because when a person walked past he would kind of move in front of the computer screen and block their view haha. But he loves us ♥ and I'm glad that Edwin already likes me so much. He didn't stay to talk long because the computer he was using had something wrong with it so he could hear me, but I couldn't hear him and so he got frustrated, but he's going to send me a message when he gets out of work tomorrow and we're gonna talk again.
Oh, one last thing! I took my medical terminology final today and I got a 90%! Which means I'll be passing the class with a 91%. I was kind of mad at myself, because I think I could've done better, but my teacher seemed really impressed. I don't know if that's saying a lot, but there are some pretty.....special people in my class. I'm starting the Medical Office Administration program on Wednesday and I can do it up until my baby is born and then take up to 6 weeks off and I'll be able to finish before I go to Mexico in July!
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