Today is full of randomness. I've had a few thoughts this whole week of things I could blog, so todays post has a few things in it and they really have nothing to do with each other and they all happened on different days.
So today while my brother and my sister-in-law where at a basketball clinic two of my nephews came over to my house. My mom and I went to the store to get some stuff for dinner and we took Mason with us. We were planning on lasagna so we got some garlic bread to go with it. After we got back to the house, we were watching tv and Mom looked over to the kitchen and TA-DA!!! Mason was hunched over the bread taking bites right out of the top of it. He was pretty proud of himself.

A few days ago I had a really crappy day. Rumors are nasty things, people. If you're gonna spread things around about people, at least make sure they're true. Don't believe everything you hear, and definitely don't go making shit up about people. I haven't got to the bottom of this most recent one, but it's probably the worst about me, yet. Some lady, who I already have very little respect for, for other reasons, asked my friend if I was 'still' doing drugs. My friend replied with "Still? Josie has never done drugs in her entire life." Well, for some reason, this lady had in her head that I used methamphetamines, specifically crystal, AND I even used to SELL IT, because someone that I was friends with had problems with drugs, so, you know, that means that I must do them to. Okay, psycho lady, just because one person does drugs, it doesn't mean that everyone around them has to do them too. Everyone needs a friend, and for some reason, I attract people with issues. Just in case what I just said didn't make everything clear, I'll state this: I, Josie Perkins, have NEVER used and/or sold drugs. Specifically, crystal meth.
I will swear that on whatever you want me to swear it on.
I have been associated with, I have known, and, yes, even been friends, with people that did. This does not make me a bad person. I, personally, don't believe it makes them bad people. If they were ever using or selling, I was not around them, because I did not want to be involved, and they understood that. I see what drugs do to people and to their loved ones, and I never want to put myself or anyone around me through that.
So anyways, I was having a bad day, and then my dad freaked out because, OMG!, I put a picture of my baby belly on my facebook, and for some reason that took away the 'sacredness' that comes with pregnancy. That was just it for me so I went for a walk and I found these two really cute donkies down the road from my house. They made me smile, so I thought I would take pictures and share them with you. I named them Charlie and Butch.
I decided that for my birthday I needed something exciting to happen. So I called my sister-in-law, and she gave me a perm. I was pretty nervous about how it was going to turn out, but TA-DA!!! I don't know about you guys, but I love it. When I was really little, I had curls like this naturally and my hair was red. Maybe one day I'll post a picture. But, most of my natural curl is gone :( Sad day. After getting this perm, I decided that my face was structured for curls. Plus, I talked to Isa on webcam and he loves it, so I'm keeping it.
Oh, and speaking of my birthday, my mom ordered me two books that I've been wanting for my present and today I got the first one. It's called American on Purpose: The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot. It's by Craig Ferguson :) The second book should be here in a couple of days and it's Caramelo by Sandra Cisneros. I read someones reviw about it on another blog and I had to have it.
Okay, one last thing. There was an earthquake here today!!! The epicenter wasn't all that close to where I live, it was actually on the other side of the mountains near Bear Lake I think, but it was a 5.0 and it was felt here. I didn't get to feel it because me and mom were driving :( but whatever. There is a fault line that goes right through the valley and is actually right underneath the school where I went to 8-9 grade haha. It would be crazy if that place went down, but no one will be surprised if there's a big one in the valley sometime soon.
Peace out for now :) Gonna go to Walmart with my mama.