As I type, it is 12:08 AM on April 12. It's officially my 19th birthday. Whoopee. Not to sound pessimistic or anything, but it's not showing much promise for being a great one. My 18th birthday was pretty great. I'm not going into detail because I'm pretty sure my family checks up on my blog once in a while, and.....we'll just leave it at that.
So in a romantic relationship with someone, if things are going badly or you're not completely satisfied, you just break up with them right??? How come that only happens with romantic relationships? Why don't people break up with their friends? Currently, my best friends are not making me very happy. They're making my life more stressful than it needs to me. I know they're not doing it on purpose, but this is kind of a situation where nothing can really be done to make it better. If I break up with my 2 best friends, I will have no one to hang out with ever. However, if I stay friends with them, I might blow up at them pretty soon and they'll break up with me, because when I've finally had enough and I blow up, I'm brutally honest with people, and people generally don't like that.
Here's the deal: it used to be the 3 of us. Josie, Melo, and Daisy. Now it's Josie and Melo, and Josie and Daisy. Because they're stupid and decided to not be friends anymore over some pretty stupid shit. And it's not like I could even take sides if I wanted to because it wasn't just one of their faults, they're both just idiots. And I've told them this.
So anyways, today is my birthday. Obviously, I can't spend it with Isai, and I spend every day with my family, so my next obvious choice is my 2 best friends. Well, I can't hang out with both of them at the same time, because that would be an absolute DISASTER!!! They both say that as long as other people are there it's okay, and they'll just ignore each other and not say anything. I know these girls. They might ignore each other and not say anything, but shit will be AWKWARD. And they both make these stupid faces when people are around that they don't like and they sigh and go *ugh* under their breath a lot.
Another problem is my baby shower. Obviously, they both want to help plan it. That's worked out 'okay' so far I guess. But it's gonna be awkward when the day of the shower gets here.
BAH! And oh my goodness, someone might die the day I deliver this baby. I can have 2 people in the room with me. Number one, will be my mom. Number two would be Isa, but, as you all know, he's not exactly gonna be available. So I've decided that I want Melo to be number 2. Why? Because she's been there, done that. She's been through labor and delivered a baby, and all that fun stuff. Melo knows I've picked her. Daisy doesn't. Daisy thinks I'm still trying to decide, and she thinks I should just not pick either one of them and just have my mom be there. Well look, I love Daisy to death, okay? But the whole time I've been pregnant she's been telling me all these little wives tales about pregnancy that she hears from her mom or her sister and every time she tells me a new one I wanna punch her in the face because I know it's bull shit.
Any of you that have been pregnant know what it's like to get advice from people that have never been pregnant. Like when you have morning sickness and they're like 'eat some saltine crackers, it will settle your stomach.' and then you want to yell back at them 'I'M GONNA GET SOME SALTINE CRACKERS AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR NOSE!!!' or something like that. Okay, well I don't want that kind of thing going on when I'm in labor. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but it's just for quick things. If it's something that lasts and lasts and lasts, I get sick of it and I just want it to stop. I learned this with my gal bladder attacks. Another thing, I HATE NEEDLES. But I sure as hell am gonna be getting an epidural!!! Congratulations to you if you did natural labor and you handled it and people that get epidurals aren't really mothers. Yes, congratulations, but at the same time SCREW YOU! I will be meeddiiccaatteedd! If not for me, for the poor bastards that are gonna have to put up with me. And as for not being a real mother? Okay, I carried this kid around for 9 months and now I'm gonna take care of it for another 18+ years, I am a real mother.
Alright I'm gonna stop now. I can tell I need to because I'm thinking in spanish, and when that happens I know I'm pushing it. Sorry if I've offended you in some way.
P.S. Dear Melo and Daisy, If you guys read this, I'm sorry, but I had to get some of it out. You're lucky (or maybe I'm lucky) that I left out the really personal parts, cause I still haven't exploded. Please don't break up with me, I need you. And if you wanna know what I would say if I exploded, just ask, cause I'll be more than happy to tell you, but just know, that whatever I say, it's because I love you and you're kind of concerning me and it's stressing me out, and you both know I don't need that.
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