Sunday, May 16, 2010

No Progress

I really don't have much to say, but I'm getting irritated with myself for slacking lately, so I need to post.  My doctor appointment last Thursday was the same as the one before.  Not dilated.  Not quite dropped all the way.  He measured my stomach: still 37 centimeters.  He said it's normal, but it's on the low side of normal.  I've weighed exactly 160.4 at my last 3 appointments.  So basically, I've stopped growing, and she probably has too.  So my question is WHY IS SHE STILL IN THERE?!  I'm due on Friday, I have another appointment on Thursday.  I've been told the chances of the doctor letting me go over my due date are slim, since there's no progress being made.  Then again, a lot of doctors don't like to start you on a Friday, so maybe I'll go over a little, maybe he'll start me Thursday (doubtful).  One lady told me that out of all three of her children she never dropped so they did all 3 c-section, so I guess that's a possibility as well.  I don't want to stop going to class before she's born because I want to get as much done as I possibly can, but I'm not so sure that's going to be possible because I'm out of nausea pills so my morning sickness is back, but I don't want to refill the prescription if I'm only going to need it for a few days.  *SIGH*.  Anyway, I'm getting restless.  I walk a mile every day.  Sometimes twice.  Yesterday we were at the house of some guy that my dad works with and it was suggested that I jump on the trampoline.  So I did.  My dad and his friends started freaking out and telling me to get off because I was going to go into labor.  Ummm.....THAT'S THE IDEA! 
This picture is me and Steve & Chalene's daughter, Lauren.  She's freakin adorable!
This is when I was trying to jump the baby out.  It doesn't work, just for the record.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it didn't work, but I love that you tried! Haaha! You look great by the way!
