Isabel Riley Montufar has arrived!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010.
Soo at about noon I started getting ready to go to Marlene's Graduation. At the same time, I starting having some cramps but they didn't hurt anymore than what I had already had so I didn't think much of it. As I was leaving for the graduation at 4:00 my mom asked me if I was sure I should go if I was feeling that bad. I was like, yeah, I spent 3 damn hours curling my hair, and I wanna be there for Marlene's graduation, I've been looking forward to it all year. She was like okay, well, call me if you need me. So I went and picked up Daisy. We stopped at Wendy's and I got a 5 piece nugget because I was starving so I thought I'd get something to hold me over until the graduation was over. Then we stopped at Maverick and put gas in my car. So at about 4:45 we got to the graduation and made our way inside. I decided it would be a good idea to go to the bathroom so I didn't have to pee halfway through the ceremonies. Lucky for me, my water didn't brake until I was in the bathroom so I put a bunch of toilet paper in my underwear, yelled at Daisy to call my mom, and we took off for the car. I talked to my mom and told her we'd meet her at the hospital. On the way to the hospital I texted Isai's sister so that she could let him know that Isabel was on her way.
By the time I was ready for the epidural the anesthesiologist was assisting with a c-section so they gave me some stuff to hold me over. It was pretty freakin awesome. By about 9 o clock I was dilated to a 6 and the nurse said I would dilate about 1 centimeter an hour after that. When they checked me 1 hour later I was already at a 10. She said they were going to give me about an hour to rest and then I could start pushing, but she said if I felt any pressure to let her know. Well 15 minutes later I was feeling pressure. They had been telling me that with a first time baby I could be pushing for about 3 hours. After 1 hour of pushing, the doctor wasn't there yet, and we were on the baby's time schedule. The nurse told me that when I felt the next contraction to just breathe. She said don't hiccup, cough, sneeze, don't do anything, just breathe. She ran out to the nurse's station and told them to stand by. When she came back in she just yelled out the door "We're gonna have a baby in here!" and nurses came rushing in at 11:15 right as Isabel was born. 3 minutes later the doctor showed up. My mom cut the cord and they let me hold her :D At this point I was balling my eyes out. I had gone the whole time without crying but as soon as I saw my baby girl I completely lost it. My dad was outside the door and heard the baby crying. When he came in the room finally, he was crying. I had a really high fever so he kept a cold washcloth and was wiping my forehead. It was really cute :) My baby is the best thing that has ever happened to me. All 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and 19 inches of her. Her pediatrician is the same pediatrician that I had when I was born. He says she seems to be perfectly healthy :) She always falls asleep before she's done eating so she wakes up about every hour and a half hungry again, so sleep for me is almost non-existent, but she's totally worth it.
Congrats chica que bonita
ReplyDeleteso you got all beautiful just to have her! I'm sure your friend understood why you missed the graduation. Felizidades! She's georgous!