The other day my friend came over to show me the new amplifier that he got for the sound system in his car. When he opened his trunk my first thought was, "Why does he have toilet paper in his trunk?" Then I looked closer and I was like, "WHAT THE HECK?! This toilet paper is confused! Or the person that packaged it was! Or I guess possibly strawberries have changed their identity to 'DAISY'."
I was at a loss for words for a minute and I just stood there with the dumb toilet paper in my hand. My friend just shrugged and started messing with the amp. Maybe I'm the only one so amazed by this, but I haven't gotten out much lately.
Now for the baby update :D Being a mom is pretty much the most awesome thing ever. If I was asked to describe it, it would take days to explain it. When I was little my mom would tell me, "You'll never know how much I love you until you have a child of your own." She was right. There was no way I could have possibly understood this feeling and this responsibilty until I experienced it myself.
She gets the hiccups at least 4 times a day! It's adorable and it kind of scares my dog, which is funny. She always smiles in her sleep. Much to my liking, she has a silly little half smile like her Mommy. Sometimes she wakes up with that smile but she only opens one of her eyes so my dad calls her Popeye the Sailor.
You'll notice she's wearing a headband in most of her pictures. Well, you see, I have this thing with coordination, and she has an attachment for the headband for almost all of her outfits.
Memorial Day weekend my Grama, Aunt and Uncle, and my cousins came to visit. My Grama is convinced that the headband is squishing her brain. One day my Grama was holding her and I noticed the headband was missing. I asked her what happened to it because I was 100% positive that it was on her head when I gave her to her. Grama denied everything. She played the innocent old lady card. We all know her better than that. After she stood up from the chair and went in the other room my mom started searching. The headband was shoved under a pillow. Nothing was said to Grama, but the headband was returned to it's designated spot on Isabel's head and it stayed there for the rest of the day.
I promise I did not set this picture up. I rolled her over onto her stomach and that's just how her hand landed.
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