Something I don't think I've mentioned, is that I'm LDS, (Mormon). I know there's a lot of misconceptions about us, but that's what they are. Misconceptions. Anyways, when we have babies, most of us choose to have our babies blessed, usually within a few months after their born. It's like how Catholics have their babies baptized. I don't really know what any other religions do. So anyways, Isabel was blessed on Sunday by my dad. She wore the same dress that I wore when I was blessed and we used the same blanket that I used. Her full name is Isabel Riley Montufar. So when they announced that she was going to be blessed, the bishop said her name Isabel Riley Montufrito. Or something like that. I felt kind of bad because he looked out at my family after he said it and me, my dad, two of my brothers, and some of my friends that were sitting behind me were all laughing. It was pretty darn funny. I don't think it's going to be something that my family is going to let go anytime soon. Today my dad asked me if I had talked to Frito-Lay lately (meaning Isai). Anyways, here are some pictures that we took at my house after church.
With her Grama and Grampa 3 generations of crazies. My poor baby has no chance what so ever of being normal :) ♥~Mommy&Daughter~♥
Yes. We laid her in the flower bed.

...And in the grass...

With my little brother Riley. I know he looks 5 years older than me, but he's younger.

With her cousins Chay, Phoenix, and Rafe. Rafe threw a fit when we took her from him. My sister-in-law said "She's Josie's baby" and he said "NO! My Josie Baby!"
This wasn't taken that day, but I had to put it up cause everyone says she looks just like me in this one :)
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