Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pressure Cooker

Sooo I started this blog as an outlet, and it's not doing a very good job.  Partly because I don't like to offend people, and a lot of stuff that goes on in my head, could be extremely some people.  I had all planned out what I was going to type and now the Kardashians are on The Talk and so I'm kind of distracted and I think uhhhhh........................................Okay TV is off for the time being.  That was probably the hardest 3 sentences I've ever written.  So, anyway, back to me being offensive.  Back when I was all innocent I would feel very uncomfortable around foul language or when people were talking about some subjects.  Now that I'm pretty much corrupted I'm not really bothered by anything, with the exception of bullies and racism.  But now I'm all 'grown up' and if some of that is going on, I'll be the first to speak up and tell the ignorance to shut it's face.  If I can make the effort to change the words I use and the topics I speak about when I'm around people that would be offended, other people can to.  Come on people.

Here's the problem; when I choose to edit myself for the sake of other people's feelings, all of that other stuff builds up and I need to let it out somewhere that I won't be worried about bothering someone.

Example A: You know those pressure cookers that people use to can vegetables, or whatever it is they want to can?  Okay, if you leave one of those unattended and the pressure gets to high, all those glass bottles full of green beans are just gonna blow up and make a huge mess all over everything.

Example B: Writing Example A added to the pressure when I had to go back and edit it.

Also, for some reason, I don't mind if strangers know all my business, but sometimes I find it a little irritating and awkward when my family knows everything.  And it's not like this is a new development.  I pretended like I wasn't boy crazy all through middle school in front of my family so that I wouldn't have to talk to them about it.

So from now on this is going to be a family friendly blog :) so that family and friends can see what's going on with my adorable baby and everything.  And I will start my inappropriate offensive blog elsewhere.  It will probably be somewhat anonymous.  But I do love showing off pictures, so I don't know we'll see what happens.

Thanks for reading, yo, and if you find yourself slightly inappropriate and you want to read my other blog when I start it let me know and I'll give you the sight.  Just know that it will be full of trash.


  1. But good pressure cookers have relief valves to prevent the bean hitting the ceiling. Perhaps you should develop one as well. Maybe that is what your other blog will be.

  2. Hmmm I like the way you think. I just needed a new pressure cooker!

  3. How about you make a new blog for family/friends and keep this one the way it is? Unless it's too late for that. I like reading your random thoughts on life. That was soo similiar to my life 11 years ago! There was a day I didn't know if everything turn out ok. But I kept going forward for the better..and love where I am at now. That's what your doing. Don't ever stop. Oh-and don't worry too much about who you offend. They're always be someone.

  4. Oh don't worry, this one will be pretty much the same!
