Thursday, June 24, 2010

Month Old Model

It is now 12:41 AM on June 25th.  At 11:15 PM Isabel will be one month old!!! I can't believe it.

Today we had Isabel's first photo shoot.  It was pretty darn ghetto but I think the pictures are great :)  Me and my mom put a white blanket on our couch and used our own little fujifilm camera.  One of the best parts of doing your own is IT'S FREE.  And then you just go to Walmart (or, you know, somewhere else for all you Walmart haters) and print out as many as you want in the sizes you want and that's the only part that costs anything!!!  Well, and wardrobe, but Isabel's tutu was made by her aunt Ruth sooo it was free for me :)
This is her attitude pose.  She has her head turned away and her hand up like she's saying "Excuse me!  Who made the decision to switch from hypo-allergenic, non-scented whipees to these cheap ass aloe ones?" 

This is her annoyed face.  "Why is that stinky mutt curled up on my blankie?  Someone better put that dog in it's place and get that blanket washed STAT."
How could I deny that face anything?  This is why her Grumpa calls her 'Big Eyes'.
I think she looks like a baby fairy in this one :)

Anne Geddes babies got nothin' on my little angel ♥

So today my mom, me, and Isabel were in Walmart and I had her out of her car seat because she was getting fussy.  Then this lady, seriously from like, 15 feet away is like "Ohhh how old is baby?!" and she came scurrying towards us.  "Oh my, she is just so precious, look at that perfect little face."  Then she follows that up, in a perfect baby voice, with, "Why don't you just relax a little bit more?"  She then proceeded to roll her eyes (at herself, maybe?) and said "Let us be your students!"

...........??? <------  My thoughts exactly.

She then walked away and said "Have a nice day!"

My mom was like "Who was that?"  I said ".........I dunno."  And then we bought our gallon of paint and left.  It was kinda weird.  The lady seemed really nice.........just kinda special, too.

OH!  One more thing!  When people see a baby with a flower in its hair and it's wearing a dress and it has a pink car seat and a purple blanket.....
WHAT COMPELS PEOPLE TO ASK IF IT'S A BOY OR GIRL???  Seriously, this has happened so many times, and I'm just wondering what's wrong with people.  If a baby is completely naked except for a diaper, I can see why you would ask, but when I take Isabel out, she's pretty darn fancy!  And it's REALLY obvious that she's a girl!

Sometimes, I'm really concerned about people.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

It drives me crazy that I don't  have a new post at least every other day.  I don't know why.  I log in and read the blogs that I follow every day, but usually by the time I'm done reading them I have to change a diaper or fix a bottle or something :)  Or I take advantage of the fact that Isabel is sleeping so I sleep or shower.  Sometimes I even have enough time to eat or dry my hair haha.  SO anyways, I took her to her first fiesta last Saturday.
She was rockin it in her Apple Bottom Jeans onesie.

The party was for Lizeth's communion and Celeste's 6th birthday.  I didn't get a picture of Celeste but she was adorable.  This is Lizeth and her cousins.
The next day we took a trip to Ogden because my sister-in-law was being induced.  At 4:30 PM Gryffin Scott Vroman was born.
He was 7 lbs 13 oz and 21 inches long.

This is me and Isabel with my oldest brother, Vic and Gryffin.

And here's Isabel being freakin-dorable-icious again.  As of Thursday she was 8 lbs 4 oz and 19 3/4 in long.

Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies out there.  Especially to my Daddy, and to Isai, and my older brothers.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Isabel's Blessing Day

Something I don't think I've mentioned, is that I'm LDS, (Mormon). I know there's a lot of misconceptions about us, but that's what they are.  Misconceptions.  Anyways, when we have babies, most of us choose to have our babies blessed, usually within a few months after their born.  It's like how Catholics have their babies baptized.  I don't really know what any other religions do.  So anyways, Isabel was blessed on Sunday by my dad.  She wore the same dress that I wore when I was blessed and we used the same blanket that I used.  Her full name is Isabel Riley Montufar.  So when they announced that she was going to be blessed, the bishop said her name Isabel Riley Montufrito.  Or something like that.  I felt kind of bad because he looked out at my family after he said it and me, my dad, two of my brothers, and some of my friends that were sitting behind me were all laughing.  It was pretty darn funny.  I don't think it's going to be something that my family is going to let go anytime soon.  Today my dad asked me if I had talked to Frito-Lay lately (meaning Isai).  Anyways, here are some pictures that we took at my house after church.
With her Grama and Grampa
3 generations of crazies.  My poor baby has no chance what so ever of being normal :)
Yes.  We laid her in the flower bed.
...And in the grass...
With my little brother Riley.  I know he looks 5 years older than me, but he's younger.
With her cousins Chay, Phoenix, and Rafe.  Rafe threw a fit when we took her from him.  My sister-in-law said "She's Josie's baby" and he said "NO! My Josie Baby!"
This wasn't taken that day, but I had to put it up cause everyone says she looks just like me in this one :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Popeye the Sailor Baby and The Case of the Headband Bandit

The other day my friend came over to show me the new amplifier that he got for the sound system in his car.  When he opened his trunk my first thought was, "Why does he have toilet paper in his trunk?"  Then I looked closer and I was like, "WHAT THE HECK?!  This toilet paper is confused!  Or the person that packaged it was!  Or I guess possibly strawberries have changed their identity to 'DAISY'." 
I was at a loss for words for a minute and I just stood there with the dumb toilet paper in my hand.  My friend just shrugged and started messing with the amp.  Maybe I'm the only one so amazed by this, but I haven't gotten out much lately.

Now for the baby update :D  Being a mom is pretty much the most awesome thing ever.  If I was asked to describe it, it would take days to explain it.  When I was little my mom would tell me, "You'll never know how much I love you until you have a child of your own."  She was right.  There was no way I could have possibly understood this feeling and this responsibilty until I experienced it myself.

She gets the hiccups at least 4 times a day!  It's adorable and it kind of scares my dog, which is funny.  She always smiles in her sleep.  Much to my liking, she has a silly little half smile like her Mommy.  Sometimes she wakes up with that smile but she only opens one of her eyes so my dad calls her Popeye the Sailor.
You'll notice she's wearing a headband in most of her pictures.  Well, you see, I have this thing with coordination, and she has an attachment for the headband for almost all of her outfits.
Memorial Day weekend my Grama, Aunt and Uncle, and my cousins came to visit.  My Grama is convinced that the headband is squishing her brain.  One day my Grama was holding her and I noticed the headband was missing.  I asked her what happened to it because I was 100% positive that it was on her head when I gave her to her.  Grama denied everything.  She played the innocent old lady card.  We all know her better than that.  After she stood up from the chair and went in the other room my mom started searching.  The headband was shoved under a pillow.  Nothing was said to Grama, but the headband was returned to it's designated spot on Isabel's head and it stayed there for the rest of the day.
I promise I did not set this picture up.  I rolled her over onto her stomach and that's just how her hand landed.