Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Isabel Laughed!!!

Yeah!  That's right!  My baby girl laughed for the first time today!!!  Oh but guess what......I MISSED IT!  I was at work making fake Mexican food and Cangrejo got home from work and started talking to her AND SHE LAUGHED!!!!!  My mom told me when I got home.  I was kind of butt hurt.  And I let him know.  But he was so excited about it (and 7 hours later he's still excited) and it was so cute :)  So yeah, I'm still butt hurt that I missed my Isabel's first little giggle, but tomorrow it's just me and her until I go to work at 5 and gosh damn it I'M GONNA MAKE HER SMILE!

So I went to the doctor today.  (My 6 week appointment.  I was only 8 weeks late.)  I got that Mirena thing.  The one that's shaped like a T.  It hurt when he put it in cause it makes you cramp, but it wasn't too bad.  It's supposed to last 5 years, but I can have it taken out before then if we want.  I didn't really know that much about any other options but he told me about them and it seemed like the least annoying one because it doesn't release any hormones (because everyone knows I don't need any help with my mood swings.)  I was on the pill for a while when I was like 16 (yeah yeah I know 16)) and I freakin hated it cause it made me CRAZY.  Welllll, I'm going to bed.  So laterz.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August Update

So this post is a little late...On August 1st my nephew Gryffin got blessed so we went down to Clearfield for it.
This is the awesome face Isabel made on our way down.

Here's Gryffin :) He's such a cutie.
Isabel wasn't very happy but he was okay. . . . .
for a minute.  He was upset that she was upset.
Here's all my nephews and Isabel. In the back is Chay he's 10.  Then from left to right is Phoenix age 8 holding Gryffin, then Rafe he's 3.  Mason was 2 when this picture was taken but he turned 3 two days later and on the end holding Isabel is Stockton and he's 6.  
Here's Cangri and my mom holding Isabel and Gryffin, who, at the time, were both snoring away.
Okay his gloves and face mask were strictly for photo and future blackmail purposes.  He is fully capable of changing her diaper without all of the um 'equipment.'  She was extra stinky this time though.
Mason wanted his picture taken with his new Uncle Jose.  My mom asked him if he wanted a new uncle and he said "Ummm.....No." So my mom said "Well Jose is gonna be your new uncle, he's marrying Aunt Josie."  Mason's face lit up and he goes, "Jose?! Okay, I want new uncle."
We always prop Isabel up on the kitchen counter when I'm cooking because she likes to watch.  She's really starting to like this little bear blankie thing :)  She's so stinkin cute ♥
Tadaaa!  My principe on a white horse!  Days that he doesn't have to work he gets really bored just sitting at the house so he rides our horses on the back roads by my house and once in a while mom watches Isabel so I can go too.
This was just last night after Isabel's bath time.  Her hair was sticking up so it looked just like his it was soo cute :)  Welllll there's the update for August.  I'm gonna try to post tomorrow too because Isabel will be 3 MONTHS OLD!!!  Crazy.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

More Projects

So the other day I was looking through my laptop (I do all my blogging through my home computer because my laptop sucks monkeys) and I found a 'journal entry' in it dated October 10, 2009.  That was the day I found out I was prego!  And now I'm getting married on October 10, 2010.  Exactly one year from the day I found out I was going to have Isabel.  Crazy, huh?

So I'm taking on what feels like a billion projects right now.  The other day I went to the DI and I bought this totally hideous pink dresser for $15.  It's in the process of being transformed into something wonderful.  I'm planning on putting it in our kitchen or something and storing like linens and blankets and stuff like that in it.  I'll post pictures when it's done.  Also, from a previous post, remember that table my mom's uncle sold to us for $100?  Well, it has these hideous green cushions, which I am going to recover.  I picked out the material yesterday and it matches the paint that I'm using for the dresser.  Add those two projects to everything going on with the wedding and trying to find a job (which sucks, by the way) and with Isabel, I have pretty much no me time.  But that's okay, I need to keep busy.

Anyway, about this stupid job search: I've been looking for a job since Isabel was about 2 weeks old.  I bet I've filled out 15 applications and sent my resume to 10 different places.  I finally got an interview last week for a photographer position at a little studio.  I have no experience but they said they would train the right person, and they had two openings.  I did a group interview with 2 other ladies.  They said I would hear from them by Wednesday if I got the job.  Today is Thursday.  No phone call.  Damn it.  I sent my resume in last night for a receptionist position at a pediatric dentist office.  Crossing my fingers and checking my e-mail like every 30 minutes.  I NEED A JOB!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Making Plans

Soooo I'm planning a wedding.  And not just any wedding.  MY WEDDING.  I know what you're all thinking.  'Wow she's a fast mover.'  Not really.  I'm actually a very slow mover.  I started dating Cangrejo when Isai got sent to jail.  When I found out I was pregnant I broke up with him for really no good reason.  The date is set for October 10.  Yupp.  10.10.10.  Cool huh.  It was going to be 12.11.10. but we decided we can't afford a huge party with a baile and a comida like we wanted so we have less to plan so we can do it sooner!  We're planning on doing it in my back yard and just having a ceremony and a dinner for our family and our closest friends.  His grandparents are coming from El Salvador, which he is WAY excited about.  He hasn't seen them in like 3 years and they raised him so he misses them a lot.  If we have enough money we might drive to Vegas for a couple of days for a honeymoon but that's not set in stone yet.  Hopefully in about a year we can save up enough money to have a big party but for now this will be good enough for us.  I found the perfect dress but it was $1150 on sale for $850, but that was still pushing it.....shoving it really.  So me and mom looked in some little local shops and we found almost exactly the same dress for get this...$290!  Awesome!  And I can rent the veil and the slip and the corset bra!  Awesome times 10!

Anyways 2 of my totally awesome aunts offered to take our pictures for FREE.  So out of 346 pictures here are just a few of my favorites.
Haha children of the corn.
I think I like this one just cause I love my shoes even though you can't see them that well.
Aww how could I not love this picture?  The wind was even blowing through my hair!
Yeahhh, so I have no butt.
He looks so happy in this one :)
This one is my dad's favorite.  He says it really shows my personality haha
And of course we had to take some with Isabel :) ♥
My. Baby. Is. Adorable. The End.
Hahaha I know right?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I caught the elusive smile on camera!!!  Cangrejo was talking to her and making her smile.  It was awesome.  She smiles more for him than for anyone else, which is kind of irritating, but cute, so.....whatever.