Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blood and Guts

So if you want to see my other blog, go HERE.  It has been getting a lot more attention from me than this one, but I only have one follower so far.  Which is lame.  I know it's getting read because of the little tracker thingy but I want some more followers lol.  I feel.....pointless.


I'm going to post some pictures from my surgery, so if you don't wanna see it, don't scroll any farther.

The top picture is of two incisions just below my ribs.  I think that's where they stuck in the thing that they used to snip the tubes or whatever that connected my gal bladder to my liver and to my other guts and the other thing that they used to put the titanium clips on what was left so that my liver wouldn't just squirt bile all over the place..........haha.
The bottom one is by my belly button.  That's where they put the camera in so the could see what they were doing.

I have another picture but this thing is being stupid.  It's a little bit bigger than the two and it's where they stuck in some tongs or something to pull the gal bladder out.

Sorry if I grossed you out.  I think it's kinda cool.  My staples are gone so when I get the bandages off I'll probably take another picture.

1 comment:

  1. The pics didn't look 2 bad, I hope you are all healed up now.
    Cool Blog- I will be back and often
    Please take a minute & visit my blog.(Ineed more followers)
