Yesterday one of my best friends, Daisy, came home from her trip to California so today I kidnapped her and we went to the mall. There was some pretty cute stuff for cheap! I love cheap. But I have a hard time spending money on anything when I'm not sure if it's gonna fit me in the near future. I ended up buying a $4 men's St. Patrick's day t-shirt at Walmart. Anyways then we came to my house and Daisy highlighted my hair. I was really worried. Daisy is a bit of a space cake and letting her near my head and my long, thick, beautiful hair with chemicals scared me a little bit. Especially cause she had never highlighted anyones hair she was just kinda guessing from what she had seen when she went with her sister to the salon. But she did pretty damn good! And my hair is almost back to my natural blonde color. For the last 2 years it's been various shades of red and brown. But I guess I miss the blonde, which is weird because I absolutely hated it before cause everyone assumed that I was stupid and the blonde jokes really weren't that funny. (Yes, I got the jokes.) Anyways. Here's a pic.
Haha. Have I mentioned that I LOVE Craig Furgeson from the Late Late Show? He did a show last night with no audience which was pretty cool. He always has 2 or 3 guests and it bothers me because their conversations start getting good and then they have to switch because they run out of time and have to move on. So last night he did it Larry King style with no audience and he just talked to one person the whole time. It was some guy named Stephen Fry. I guess he's a talk show person from Britain. The show was still really good. It didn't have all the stupid, random, funny shit that it usually has, but Craig Furgeson isn't just some dumb ass reading pre-written jokes off of cue cards. He's genuinely funny (from the drugs in the 80's lol) but he's pretty bright and smart as well and it makes for good conversation.
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