Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Little Shitsicle

So all day today I was planning what to write about, and I had something all ready, but now I can't remember what exactly that something was.  I was going to write about Isai's ugly shoes that are hiding from my parents in my room, but I decided not to because I had something else so I didn't take a picture of the ugly shoes.  Sooooo I'll probably show you the ugly shoes tomorrow.  For today, I'll tell you about this little shitsicle.
So CHeCK THiS ouT!!!
This little hunk right here, is Julian Miguel.  He's my friend Melo's little boy.  We were making double chocolate cupcakes and he didn't like the finished product, but he LOVED the cake batter.  All day long he had been soooo grumpy, and then we gave him the cake batter and it was like "YOU GUYS HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS GOOD TO ME!!!"  So then he was really really good until we took him to Walmart.  He has little croc shoes with Diego on them.  He loves them very much.  For some reason, though, he got really mad at me and threw them at me.  So I took them and put them in his mom's purse and he didn't get to wear his shoes!  I'm practicing my diciplinary skills for when Isabel is in her terrible two's. 

Last night Melo was putting a movie on for him on my brother's playstation.  Well, his games were all over the floor so Julian came upstairs screaming "Why-wee!!!  Why-wee!!!" (Riley) and then he led him downstairs and made him clean up his games.  It was pretty funny.

Also, thanks to Julian, I've decided no more babysitting for me while I'm pregnant.  See those cheetos he's holding???  He and I finished off almost an entire bag, by ourselves, in about 4 hours.  I'm at the point where I'm supposed to be gaining a pound a week, and in the last week I've gained 3ish.  This cannot happen.  Because when I go to Mexico, we will be going to the beach, and I'm going to wear a swimsuit, and I'M GOING TO LOOK GOOD IN IT DAMN IT!!!  Plus you know, I haven't seen Isai in person since September (except for his two court dates) and I don't want him to be like "Damn, she let herself go."  I'm sure he wouldn't think that.  I was chubby before I got pregnant.  I actually lost 20 pounds in the first 3 months because my morning sickness was so bad.  Whenever I complained about being fat he said he liked me like that and he doesn't like it when girls are to skinny.  BUT those 3 months are the only 3 months in my entire life that I have been NOT above average weight for girls my age/heigth/whatever and I couldn't enjoy it because I was sooo sick and my boyfriend was in jail, SO! if I wanna be not chubby for a while, he's gonna have to live with it.  Don't worry, I'm not going to starve myself, that would be stupid!  Believe me, I'm going to eat good for Isabel and I'm going to keep myself healthy.  This just means that all those double chocolate cupcakes that I made today are going to be given to other people.

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